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You play,
we care

The Czech Association of Football Players (ČAFH) is the largest organisation which brings together professional athletes in the Czech Republic and promotes their interests at both national and international level.

Player’s guide

Below are four areas of interest about which our members most frequently seek help and advice. If you encounter any difficulty from any of these four topics, or you need guidance on any other issue, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Transfer windows
  • Registration process
  • Model situations
  • Transfer fees
  • Training compensation
About transfers

Professional contracts

  • Key elements
  • Latest regulatory changes
  • Contract reviews
  • Standard contracts for professional players
About contracts


  • Late payment of remunerations
  • Unilateral contract termination
  • Unjustified sanction
  • Demotion to a B-team
About disputes


  • Reviews of contracts with intermediaries
  • Disputes with intermediaries
About intermediaries
Player’s guide


The mission of the Czech Association of Football Players is to support its members by helping them deal with problems of all kinds. More and more players turn to us in need of help. You play, we care!


"Football players should act like one family, one team, even when they play for different clubs. That’s exactly what the ČAFH makes possible. While many players don’t encounter the slightest issue throughout their career, many others face difficult situations on multiple occasions. The ČAFH is here to help these players and their task is to unite, hang together, and support one another."


"I have experienced how player associations work and how strong they are in France and in England. Footballers greatly appreciate their work and are proud to be their members. We strive to build the ČAFH into an organisation with an equally strong position and reputation as similar associations abroad."


"If anyone wants to achieve great results in today’s world of professional football, they must devote 100% of their time and energy to play, training, and regeneration. In such case, there is no time left to contact lawyers and make sure that your contract includes all the necessary parts, or it is just a useless piece of paper. There is nothing like having somebody who covers your back. Thank you!"

All testimonials

Latest news

Professional football players playing in the Czech Republic will improve significantly, the requirements for professional contracts are changing


The Czech Football Players' Association helped negotiate major changes to the contractual relationship between professional players operating in the 1st and 2nd leagues and their clubs, which were finally approved by the Executive Committee of the Football Association of the Czech Republic at its meeting on 12 June 2024 when it approved an amendment to the Transfer Regulations, through which the changes are implemented.

Find out more

Player involvement helps shape UEFA Minimum Standards Framework for Women’s National Teams


FIFPRO Europe collaborated with UEFA to deliver the first edition of UEFA’s Minimum Standards Framework for Women’s National Teams. Framework outlines how national associations should have transparent policies on responding to harassment and discrimination, as well as expenses and remuneration, parental and pregnancy rights, and the handling of player data. Example of how involvement of players, unions, national associations and confederations can help shape better conditions for national team football.

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David Broukal: “A minimum wage will benefit many footballers in Czechia”


The Czech professional footballers’ association, CAFH, and FIFPRO are making significant steps that will benefit Czech players.

Find out more
More news

Vladimír Šmicer about the ČAFH

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